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#22 - Using Radical Behaviorism to Set and Accomplish Goals - Pt. 1

In this episode, Zach and Caleb discuss using radical behaviorism to set and accomplish goals with Dr. Adithyan "Dithu" Rajaraman.
  • CEs: 1 Learning (BACB or IBAO)
  • Duration:  1 hour 1 min 
  • CE instructor: Caleb Davis, PhD, BCBA-D

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Show Notes

  • About the episode

    In this episode, Zach and Caleb discuss using radical behaviorism to set and accomplish goals with Dr. Adithyan "Dithu" Rajaraman.
  • Things to check out from the episode:

    Baum, W. M. (2017). Understanding behaviorism: Behavior, culture, and evolution. John Wiley & Sons.
    Catania, A. C. (1975). The myth of self-reinforcement. Behaviorism, 3(2), 192-199.
    Peterson, S. M., Aljadeff-Abergel, E., Eldridge, R. R., VanderWeele, N. J., & Acker, N. S. (2021). Conceptualizing self-determination from a behavioral perspective: The role of choice, self-control, and self-management. Journal of Behavioral Education, 30, 299-318.
    Skinner, B. F. (1984). Selection by consequences. Behavioral and brain sciences, 7(4), 477-481.

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